YOU MATTER: The Importance of Self-Love

10 Jul

What is Positive Self-Love?

Positive self-talk is having an uplifting impression about yourself.  Having positive self esteem means you have confidence in yourself and your outlook on life.  By using positive self- encouraging messages, like affirmations, you can influence success and happiness in your life.

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Rather than looking in the mirror and saying something like, “My hair is such a mess” or “I look so fat”, compliment yourself!  Try replacing that negative self-talk with something like, “I am beautiful” or “I look awesome”. It can be difficult at first, but with practice, sometimes, lots of practice, you will find yourself having a happier outlook on so many aspects of your life. Positive self-love isn’t being self-centered, it’s a start to believing in yourself, no matter what others may think or say.

Loving yourself can be accomplished in many ways:

  • Go for a walk.  Reflect on the things you see as you are out and about.
  • Keep a personal journal of positive statements about yourself.
  • Be thankful and think about all the good things in your life.
  • Try using positive self-reflecting words about yourself. 
  • Stop second guessing yourself.
  • Give yourself a “Me” day.
  • Quit blaming yourself for every problem.  

Why Does it Matter?

How you feel about yourself can directly affect those close to you and your relationships.  Being positive, making changes, even small ones, a little at a time, results in a happier, more fulfilling life.

How Can We Learn to Better Love Ourselves?

Positive self-love can be accomplished with practice.   Like anything, at first it may seem difficult to accomplish.  Start with the little things.  

  • 1st thing in the morning, before you even get out of bed, think to yourself- “I’m ready to make this a good day!”
  • While you’re getting ready in the morning, look in the mirror at least once and smile.
  • Think to yourself …I’ve got this!

Believe in yourself, your goals, and your future.  If something during your day goes wrong, try not to be hard on yourself.  Every one of us makes mistakes, it’s all part of being human. Chalk it up as a learning experience and move on.

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What Are Some Examples of Positive Self-Talk:

  • Make a list of things you like about yourself.  It doesn’t have to be a long list, just enough to remind yourself that you really do matter.  These can be especially helpful when you’re having a difficult time.  
  • Remember other people’s opinion of you, is just that, their opinion.  
  • Remind yourself at least once a day that you’re amazing and doing your best to be the person you were meant to be.
  • Give yourself a pat on the back, mental high five, or way to go.  Whether you had a good or bad day, it’s always important to encourage yourself and remind yourself that you can do this!  There is always tomorrow to continue with improvements.
  • Put aside time for self-care.  Yes, it is important to put others first, but you need to take that time for you so you can help and be there for others.
  • When things don’t go as planned, remember no one is perfect!  Everybody has times where things are going to be much more difficult than others, give yourself a break and remember you’re doing the best you can!    
  • Remember taking care of yourself is not self-centered.  It’s an essential part of self-love!  

Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation

My husband and I use meditation daily as a way to relax, focus, and reflect.  Whether its taking a few minutes to practice, one or many times a day, meditating can have some serious benefits when practiced regularly.  Insight timer is a great resource that has hundreds of different types of meditation. There are so many topics to meditate with, including stress, relax, love, confidence, happiness and sleep.  You can check it out with apps like: Insight Timer and Deep Meditation.

By taking some time, whether once or even a few times a day, from your busy schedule to find some “re-charge” time, you can help regain your energy and focus.  In time, you will see that you can feel better about yourself and the things you accomplish (no matter how big or small).

image of girl on a dock meditating

Being Grateful

Think of the many positive things in your life and be thankful for them.  Taking a moment of reflection can provide a feeling of calm. Whether it’s for your family, friends, or complete strangers, making a difference in someone else’s life can truly improve the love you have for yourself.  Appreciate all you have in your life.

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Need some ideas?

  • Contact a family member you haven’t spoken to in awhile, tell them you were thinking of them and thank them for something they did that was important to you.
  • Take a friend out, even if it’s just for a coffee to catch up 
  • Appreciate that you have a job and do your best everyday 
  • Educational opportunities
  • The ability to volunteer and help others

End the Negative Self-Talk and Comparing Yourself to Others

When you love and accept yourself you will realize how much more you can accomplish.  Being positive can be difficult sometimes, but like anything with practice it will get better.   Try not to be so hard on yourself. 

When you believe in yourself, you have a better chance of achieving your own desired results, discovering your deeper purpose and having happier, healthier relationships with your loved ones.  When you compare yourself to others, you are adding so much undue, unnecessary pressure to your life.    

Accept you for you, there is no one else like you, anywhere in this world.  When you practice self-love …Believe in you!  

The closer you get to self-acceptance the more you will realize you don’t find yourself asking other people for their opinion much.  When you start that negative pattern, you’re focusing your energy away from where you want to be.   It’s ok, everyone has their own unique, special and even quirky gifts.  Find out what yours are, be thankful for it and express it!  

Ask yourself this one question:

 What does Self-love mean to you?

And while you’re at it, share the love and share this post with someone who could use it.

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