This Memorial Day weekend, area school kids really brought a smile to the veterans’ faces…

3 Jun

A special SHOUT OUT to the schools who participated in this Memorial Day collection.  

There were so many thoughtful messages in all the cards, caring letters and beautifully artistic drawings these children donated.  It was made especially possible due to the dedicated contributions from Upper Merion Middle School, Whitehall Elementary School and Plymouth Elementary.  We collected an amazing 403 cards!! They should all be proud to know they truly make a difference in so many men and women’s lives.

Higlights of the Amazing Memorial Day Collection

Memorable events from our visit

We always look forward to each of the card collections we do for our veterans.  The schools, organizations, but the children especially who seem to truly enjoy putting their creative ideas together and never ceases to amaze us and the vets we go to visit at Coatesville VA Medical Center.  

Whether it’s Thanksgiving turkeys, trees, santas and menorahs for Winter Holidays or hearts for Valentine’s Day, our local children do an awesome job using their creativity to remind our veterans how much they mean to us.  As you can see just by the few examples of the hundreds of cards that are donated how our children put so much care into showing our veterans that they are never forgotten.

our veterans playing Bingo
Some of our veterans playing Bingo Memorial Day weekend.

Our most recent visit this Memorial Day had some interesting moments.  When we arrived at the Great Hall, there were about 150 veterans sitting around the tables playing Bingo and socializing.  They were all especially excited when they won because it wasn’t a cash prize they received but a basket full of essentials.  Whether a basket of snacks or clothes they were very happy if they won!

creative cards for our vets
Creative cards from our area school children.
star cards for veterans
Red, white and blue for our veterans

However, our favorite part of visiting these brave gentlemen and ladies who dedicated their lives to our country’s safety, wasn’t just watching them smile as they won Bingo, it was all of their heartfelt and bright smiles we shared as we talked to and handed them their cards made by our local children.  The look of astonishment from some and appreciation from others brightens our day every time.

After visiting with the men and women who are more mobile and independent, we went across campus and spent time with the geriatric and hospice center patients.  These men and women have debilitating injuries and veterans in their final stages of life. Many of them were sleeping but those that were alert enjoyed the company and loved the cards and letters we read to them.  

There was one particular veteran who was new to the center during our last visit for Valentine’s Day. He was an older gentleman and he was very instrumental in making these opportunities more memorable, especially for me.  

David was much more open and approachable this time around.  We knocked on his door and he welcomed us in. He was in his bed watching an old army TV show.  He shared his stories about his tour in Vietnam, and how he went back into the Navy, years later to serve again after coming home.  His dedication inspired me. We talked about where we grew up, hobbies, different places he visited while in the service and how much he loves the Yankees, even though wasn’t from NY.    David was truly sweet and welcoming. We absolutely loved having the pleasure of spending time with him and listening to his many stories. I wish him and all our veterans only the best.

We ended our visit some time later, and he told us the cards truly meant a lot to him.  He wanted us to make sure we told everyone “just how much their taking the time to make them meant” to him and the others there.  

What we got out of this visit

“The best and most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen or touched, they must be felt by the heart”

Helen Keller

…like taking the time to make cards and write letters to our veterans.  Some people may think, what’s the point, or I don’t have time, but making the time to do this has seriously brightened the days of so many of our men and women who served our country.  Not only that but its changed the way I think about things.

For instance, handing these cards out was originally something I thought about and only did on Thanksgiving and Christmas, now it has increased to every holiday.  I love visiting these amazing, life-changing people and listening to those that just want someone to listen. Although being the mom of three has definitely given me ample opportunities, collecting cards and seeing all the children’s artwork has made me look at life from so many different eyes.  If you want to take part, sign up for our updates below and feel free to contact us!

Children, for the most part, do not have any filters, they don’t discriminate based on color, gender, shape or size of someone.  They say things the way they see them, and in these cards, the words and pictures say it all, but most of all how children take their feelings and put them on paper to show our veterans just how much they mean to so many people.  

Memorial Day card for our Coatesville Medical Center veterans
“Heroism doesn’t always happen in a burst of glory. Sometimes small triumphs and large hearts change history.”

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