These are a Few of My Favorite Things to Be Grateful

28 Nov

Countless Things to Be Thankful For:

As much as many people look forward to fall and Thanksgiving, remembering that it’s not all about the turkey or ham, sweet potatoes and other delicious foods and desserts that may be traditional, there is also that realization that it’s a time of celebrating and appreciating the connectivity and relationships in your life. There are so many reasons for us to be “thankful” and each of them can mean something completely different from one person to another. 

Being conscious or showing appreciation of an act, event, word, time, or material that was given to us is crucial to understanding gratitude. Paying it forward for someone less fortunate is another way to express appreciation and thankfulness. Giving to those in need when we have things to be appreciative about is so important. There are so many reasons, people, and things one can be thankful for. There’s the idea of being thankful for life, living, breathing, everyday experiences, loving, appreciating people, events, yes, even things in our lives.

One of the most important to me and countless others, is my family. Family means everything to me. Whether my husband who means the world to me, our children who are dear to our hearts, our parents,   and our new grandson, or even those we love and have moved on to a different life, gone before us like my grandma, grandpa, or my husband’s granna, and mom, they all mean something different to us and are special in their own way. Although they are no longer here, loved ones provide so many pleasant moments in my life that involved all the people mentioned and more amazing memories. Becoming a grandparent just recently would have to be on the top of my grateful list though. He is such a precious cutie and brings back so many loving memories from when my three were that little. Nonna loves you, Ashton! These are just a few of the people I am thankful for every day.

Studies have shown that being not only grateful, but altruistic, especially during times when we are struggling, can have a more positive outcome then one would think. When a negative experience occurs looking at the people and things we do have, the happy times in life can help regulate those adverse feelings that can be present or creep up when we least expect it.  Gratitude and being thankful can help our bodies regulate negative emotions or experiences as well as improve our overall wellbeing. More importantly, being grateful can have positive effects on our loved ones. In other words, through thick and thin, my family is my source of joy and comfort. No matter what your resource for enjoyment may be, whether it’s a pet, your job, co-workers, your family, your partner, or the beautiful satisfying feeling you experience when you help someone else that day, when things go bad, as long as you have a source of joy, you can make even the worst days seem better by finding the good. It just takes practice and can be a difficult undertaking when you first try. However, if you keep focusing on the good in your life, no matter how small or big it may be, you will find your way through the difficult, trying times as well.

When you are lucky, your family provides you with the ups and downs that keep your life interesting and even happy. No one is saying that families don’t come with their challenges and heartaches, but whether more optimistic or adverse experiences, family for most provide pleasurable memories and are. Through all the varying experiences that our lives have to offer, when it comes down to it, one can only be thankful to have family and friends that are going to be there through thick and thin. People who acknowledge or even create the happy with their gift of family and friends they have, can not only be more grateful but see the joy and appreciate it through the tough times.

Whether family, friends or acquaintances, relationships are one of life’s most fundamental aspects of our lives. Thanksgiving provides yet another opportunity to take the time to feel and express gratitude for those relationships we do have in our lives.

When it comes to reasons for being thankful, many have much to be grateful for. The season of gratitude is an amazing time to think about all the good in our lives, but maybe also a time for us to reflect on those things or people that also made us stronger. Whether it be childhood experience that we recovered from, a shocking and devastating sickness or loss that decided to wake our intrinsic desire to live, an addiction we recovered from, or a relationship that made us question everything, every ounce of ourselves, they have all somehow, hopefully taught us in to appreciate all we do have in the present and come to realize the strength, determination, and perseverance we can all find, especially during these times.

Even when millions of us were encountered one way or another with the fear and realization of Covid, the midst of the pandemic caused so many of us to reconsider the true meaning in our lives. Life changing events like this many times, have people consider what is most important and what they can do to improve or make a difference.

Appreciating our lives, who we have, more than what we have, working towards a passion, or helping those who have less than we do for whatever reason is the true essence in life.

Many times, we can get so wrapped up in the everyday monotony, it does take a crisis, loss, or a situation like Covid to reflect on the fact that who we have in our lives is so much more important than things. Those important in our own individual world can maybe offer the opportunity of exclusive traditions, shared stories and loving memories that provide a thread of connection, thankfulness, and stability in a world that at times, can seem like it has become increasingly materialized and isolated.

Among family and friends, another thing we might want to consider is well, if you are reading this, it means you’re alive. This means you have had people, blessings, and moments to be thankful for that helped you come to where you are now. You’ve even had the inclsense to look for ways to be grateful which means your conscience is working and altruistic. While taking this into consideration think of all the things that make you who you are, the people that have helped you or are there for you now and be grateful. As well as any situation or person that you have given a part of you to make their life better.

Throughout our lives we have all faced various sorts of successes and hardships. During both the happy and sad times, hopefully our family and friends have been a source of comfort, our rock, maybe even inspiring. Friends and family are the people that we should be able to be vulnerable with and not be judged, comfortable enough to be our authentic selves. Whether these are people who have known you all your life, the special person/s you’ve been together with through thick and thin, those who are more casually oriented like friends and acquaintances you meet, or those most important to you, they all need the reassurance and reminders of what they mean to you and that you are thankful for them. Just like you need to hear that once in a while do as well.

And we all know about that all too craved for down time—even if it’s a few moments of alone time or with someone special to you, everyone needs a few moments to let go of the stressors in their lives and think about themselves. Today, I took an hour to give myself a facial and colored my hair after putting it off for some time. Sometimes, we truly just need to put off cleaning up, doing the dishes and think about us and something we have been meaning to do for ourselves.

What if we were to use this time of Thanksgiving and whatever other holidays, we may celebrate to not only provide that amazing altruism but also prioritize your self-care and acknowledge what you appreciate about your loved ones. Grateful people are happier people. They are healthier and less stressed. Remember during this time that it more often the small things that have the greatest impact. Take a piece of paper or a journal and start writing down the things you are truly grateful for. Think about various ways, no matter the size, that you can do for others. As you take the time to realize and accept family or whatever you find most important in your life, you may also get a glimpse of what has shaped you into the person you are, and all of that can help guide you to be extra thankful and continue to flourish while spreading some holiday cheer.

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