Self-image (doggy style)

8 Nov

Dogs don’t see size, they don’t judge, they don’t care which dog has the best physical attributes, or whether another dog is too fat or not well endowed.

So why do people, the “superior” and “intellectual” species of our planet, act so superficial and judgmental? Shouldn’t we embrace the individuality, creativity, and beauty that make us all so unique.

So Pretty has a new furry sister, Carmen.

Pretty is a Shih Tzu, a little furball of love, and she has run the canine side of the household as the Alpha over her younger “brother” Leo the Yorkie for years now. Carmen is a Pit Bull, four months old, and at her young age still towers over Leo and Pretty. The dogs don’t care about size. Pretty has accepted Carmen, and after the initial meeting phase of “who’s this new creature in the family,” they have quickly grown to accept each other. None of the pooches care who is the biggest, or the most attractive, or who is the skinniest.

Many times, we, as humans, are dually flawed. We judge others, many times not intentionally, on race, looks, weight, money, and intelligence. And many also feel the stigma of being judged over the way we look or what our life status is. I can tell you now that being overweight makes a person self-conscious. The magazines have people so worked up over having the Perfect Body. Social media and websites are filled with the newest diet crazes, the latest exercise guru, or a way to earn a million dollars quickly once you find your inner self. That’s the catch. No one can find your meaning, your purpose, or help you accept yourself. That’s something you have to work to accomplish. And like Pretty, you may encounter change, or new people, or an entirely different station in life. But don’t judge. Just accept and continue to work on you. Instead of judging, it’s much better to be there FOR others. It makes you a better person.

If you want to work on your physique, great. If you want to work on being a better spouse, or parent, or just being a better human being, great. But don’t beat yourself up over it. And make no mistake. Some people will still judge you. I’d say ignore, but really, sometimes that’s easier said than done. You are more than your appearance, your intellect, or the amount of money in your bank account. You are you, plain and simple. You are a unique entity in this universe. And that makes you amazing.

As a side note, I love this book.  If you haven’t read it, I recommend grabbing a copy.

You Are a Badass®: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

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